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Unbelievable Story Behind Your Health and Quarantine 2020

Health and Quarantine

Table of Contents

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So during this time of quarantine, many thoughts and many actions get brought out as this is definitely not our ‘norm’. I put this post together just to bring some awareness to some of the things that may be affected whether you know it or not so this is called ‘Health and Quarantine!



WHAT IS THAT? Routine are actions that we tend to follow or do on a regular basis. It helps you to create a pattern to stick by which helps you to remain focused. One of the things that are really important and that helps a lot is developing a routine at this time.
Not just any routine but one that you can stick to. Whether it be deciding which day and what time to go to the groceries or to pay your bills, these outside activities will still form a part of your routine. If you have children then it is even more reasons to put this together well. When it comes on to your health and quarantine I believe that routines help.

An example of quarantine routine activities could be:

Work Time

Connection Time (with friends and family)

Games Time

Homework Time

Sleep Time


Dinner/Breakfast/Lunch/Snack Time and many others.


Eating healthy now is very important. There is such a thing as health snacking so as to avoid the future negative outcomes of eating the wrong food at this time, such as serious health issues or becoming overweight. There are many healthy things you can snack on but like anything do with discretion and with the right portions.Some healthy food ideas are:




These are just a few there are many more but these are things you can snack on too instead of snacking on the heavy foods that cause weight gain.


I know this sounds simple but it can be forgotten at times, speaking from personal experience. Keeping hydrated is super important under normal circumstances. Also with the illness going around this also adds to its importance. Some people are not big on drinking water. I totally get that but you still need to keep hydrated, maybe you could try some infused water then, add some fruits and vegetables to the mix and then discipline yourself to drink at least …….Also with the summer coming up, it is best to drink even more water than normal. The aim is to avoid dehydration


Whether it is to set aside some time during the day to exercise then that may be good. If you have a job like mine where you can end up being at a computer desk for hours it is vital to get up and move around ever so often.


Mental health is sometimes something that goes ignored or its push behind the table, now more than ever we need to be more aware of what is going on and help drive change and make it a safer space to talk about. Especially with everything happening now we have to look at it from different angles.


Anxiety is something that is pretty common, however with COVID around it has become even worse as there are so many angles it can affect you from whether it is questions like: Will I be affected? Will loved ones be affected? When will this be over? Will I lose my job? and many more…


Staying informed is always important, but at this time almost everything you watch is centered around the Pandemic or its effects. I personally don’t believe that you should sit and watch the news about it all day every day, that isn’t good for anyone. Try to occupy your time with things that may be productive or things that can build you in the interim.


Health and Quarantine

It has been quite interesting seeing the creativity coming out in people during this time. A connection is always important especially if you are home alone, isolation can cause depression, and that’s definitely something you want to avoid. How you stay connected depends on you and what works for you: For example one of my best friend’s birthday was in March which is when everything started so we were all stuck at home so we did a 4 ways video call, as usual, we would all go out for dinner. What we did was decorate our backgrounds and surprise called her, we were on the phone for hours. Some great platforms to use to stay connected are:





Google Hangouts

GoTo Meeting

Facetime (Apple)

House Party


Facebook Messenger

Health and Quarantine go hand in hand so you need to be mindful and care for yourself. Check out these fun things you can do outside to free your mind after the craziness in Jamaica.

CALL FOR HELP IF NEEDED – People are sometimes fearful about calling for help because of the stigma attached to it. Calling for help is fine, it is important. Don’t be afraid to do it, it could make a huge difference.

If you are in Jamaica you can call 888-ONE-LOVE (663-5683)

From all these things noted in some way, shape and form the result is stress. Stress is the worst part

Reference Articles
Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Taking Care of your Emotional Health (2020)
Global News: Video Chatting During COVID (2020)

How is your health and quarantine?

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My aim is for adventurers like myself to be more aware of activities that are there to do also while being able to work remotely.