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There are quite a few companies that hire tutors online. I have put together just a few and will add them to the list as time progresses.
What do I need to get started? To become a tutor, it is recommended that you have a computer, a great connection, and a noise-canceling headset. It can be tricky to find legit companies that hire tutors so you have to do in depth research.


Tutoring in English is the most popular tutor job online currently. You can check out a listing of some of the companies that you can work with however ensure you check out the post on Companies that are Accredited for Certification, then some Companies you can apply to teach English with.


Chegg Tutors is another one of the great companies that hire tutors, they have a good rating with Glassdoor and they hire worldwide. I personally have never worked with Chegg but if you have feel free to give your feedback on your experience with them. The beauty of this company is that you can tutor in many different areas based on your expertise. Due to the fact that Chegg is one of the best platforms to become a tutor on, they need a lot of details and proof of your qualifications, etc.

In applying your provide you basic information along with the courses that you are interested in tutoring on. After that, you will have to do a short written interview to prove your competency, or if you prefer you can do a short introduction video. (Your application would be processed faster if you do the video). Following that you have to verify your identity as well as your documents to move forward. Ensure that if you are doing the video you have great camera quality and remove all background noises.

What is the pay like?

Chegg usually pays somewhere around $20US per hour. They usually make their payments through Paypal.

CHEGG TUTORS has a 4.2 rating on Glassdoor.

TUTOR.COM is another one of the companies that hire tutors. They however only hire from the United States. They have a competency test that you have to complete in order for you to work with them. They do require certain qualifications in order for you to start working with them. You can check out their FAQs page for further details as to what they require.

The process includes your application, the competency test once that goes well you have a short mock session, followed by providing your tax information and setting up your profile then you are all set to begin. The great thing is that experience isn’t required for but you must be an expert in an area and able to prove that.

What is the pay like?It is a bit hard to say exactly what the pay is as I believe that it is based on the subject and they pay per hour not by the sessions you may have so I believe it varies, but on average it is somewhere around $12US.

TUTOR.COM has a 2.9 rating on Glassdoor.

Companies that hire tutors
Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

This is another popular and useful platform for persons interested in selling their expertise. In order to tutor you must hold:

✔ A Bachelors’s degree.

✔ A Teaching License

✔ Specialized qualification

With Skooli you need to be able to show your certifications and ID as you start the application process. Once this is verified they will actually give you a call to continue the process, they also require that a background check is done, as do most of these companies. Once all this is approved then you set up your schedule and you can begin tutoring.

What is the pay like?

Currently, they pay around $20US per hour.

SKOOLI has a 4.3 rating on Glassdoor.


Yup is the ideal platform for persons who are great at math. It caters specifically to that area. They do have a competency exam as well. The application process should take around 24 hours or less.

What is the pay like?

Yup usually pays through PayPal. They pay around $11US per hour.

YUP has a 4.5 rating on Glassdoor.

As usual if you know companies that hire tutors please comment them below. It would be great to share this additional information.

I will continue to increase the list of companies that hire tutors online. Also comment below if you know more companies that hire tutors.

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My aim is for adventurers like myself to be more aware of activities that are there to do also while being able to work remotely.